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Communication and relationship agency

The good result of the public relations is in the ability to get the news to the right journalist at the right time and in the right format.

MXP Communication

MXP was born from the expertise in journalism, focusing on innovative communication projects connected to the needs of the business environment

Public Relations

With the public relations service, MXP presents and strengthens the image of the client in the different media. Working in a planned way, it seeks to strengthen the relationship between the entrepreneur and the media in order to make him a reference and source in their segment.

MXP professionals invest carefully in the spontaneous (unpaid) media, which gives the client greater credibility and contributes to the construction and strengthening of the brand in the business segment in which it operates.

  • Disclosure of brands or companies in a broad and constant manner. Our goal is to keep the client in evidence in the media and therefore in the market.
  • Be a protagonist in your business segment. Our goal is ensure that the customer always be remembered by the media as a source or specialist.
  • When your brand or company becomes news, it gains visibility. MXP's job is to provide companies with even more credibility in the marketplace through the media.
  • Strengthening the brand and image of the client. MXP prepares the client to answer the various questions asked by the press.

Relations with the press

While some companies remain hidden, as if they did not exist for the market, others are sought by the media to comment on various subjects and situations and, with this, appear frequently in the media. Why is this happening? In this second and successful case, corporations rely on a professional team in the area of ​​relationship with the press.

The company that does not communicate loses the opportunity to be spontaneous in the media. This form of exposure in the media, that is to say, is very valuable for the construction of the image and also for the generation of business.

The differential of the MXP is the follow up, that is, the direct relationship with journalists and media professionals to present the ideal approaches to the report. This contact differs, for example, from the simple sending of e-mail, which generally creates little interest in journalist’s daily lives and greatly reduces the chances of disclosure in the media.

For MXP professionals, the good work done together with the press, with ethics and competence, is an essential factor to offer its clients positive visibility in the media.

Communication Consulting

In a personalized way, MXP's communication consultancy analyzes products and services offered by the client and develops efficient strategies for brand strengthening and visibility in the media. The consultant also evaluates the entrepreneur's relationship with his or her target audience.

Microenterprise or small company or medium and large companies each one has peculiarities to be taken into account in the stage in which communication strategies are developed. For this the careful analysis of the profile of the enterprise is fundamental.

Once the customer profile assessment is completed, MXP's consultancy will direct the actions that will strengthen the brand in the traditional media, as well as in media managed by independent journalists, bloggers, digital influencers, youtubers, among others.

The reach of social networks is a preponderant factor for communication consulting. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - just to name a few networks - have different characteristics and forms of communication with their users. Therefore, it is important to use and manage them efficiently in order to strengthen relationships with the target audience, opinion formers and to observe changes in consumer behavior.

Crisis management

Crisis management is an assignment that MXP Communication has among the services offered to the client.

Appropriately for each company, MXP professionals work with the premise that it is essential to develop a pre-crisis plan to deal with problems. This plan contemplates the careful preparation of the employees and representatives of the corporations to dialogue with the press and consumers.

The ultimate proposal of crisis management is not to prevent adversities from occurring, but to minimize the impact on the image of the company or institution before public opinion.

Media training

Ability, total knowledge of the subject, safety. Even supported by this tripod, the professional who stands before the press as a corporate spokesperson views the task as a challenge. With the proposal to improve communication between the client and the media, MXP offers Media Training.

Through hands-on experience, the MXP team conducts training programs aimed at corporate spokespeople to better interact with various media.

In Media Training, professionals are informed about the operation of each communication vehicle and exercise techniques to participate in collective and make pronouncements.

Event Management

Small, medium and large-scale events require planning, organization and well-defined stages of achievement. The press office of MXP, committed to all phases of the event, has a strategic role to highlight not only the occasion, but the image of the company in the media.

Each event has a nature. In this way MXP Communication elaborates the most appropriate contents - releases, notes, posts, stories, audios and vídeos - and defines the means in which they will be divulged - TV, newspapers, magazines, radios, websites, blogs, social medias etc.

With specialized mailling lists, MXP organizes press conferences, accompanies guest accreditation, takes care of coverage during and after the event, producing content and promoting even more customer visibility in the media.

Communication Planning

Communication Planning is a very well-designed road map that considers, among other factors, the efficiency of the message that one wants to convey to the right audience.

As a communication strategy, planning is fundamental for companies that want to present themselves as a brand to the market. If the challenge is to launch a service or product, the development of strategies is also essential.

Objectives and timelines are components that are always observed in well-designed Communication Planning, as well as the analysis of the most appropriate media channels to reach the public and consumer.

Social media planning

Social networks must be watched attentively by communication professionals. This is because the network, once restricted to making friends, displaying photos and exchanging messages, offers the atmosphere conducive to business and the consolidation of a brand.

Facing the entrepreneurial vocation of social networks, MXP Communication understands that it is important to manage them professionally and direct actions that bring corporations and consumers closer to products and information.

Production and dissemination of content

The production of quality content considers traditional media, social networks and information generated independently by journalists, bloggers, youtubers and digital influencers to define formats appropriate to each channel of dissemination.

In the production of content, the concern of MXP professionals is to disclose relevant information about their client in order to arouse interest in the traditional press and also in the multiplatforms available on the internet.

Releases, posts, stories and videos are some formats with which the MXP team works on content production.

"Make a costumer, not a sale."
- Katherine Barchetti